Professional Referral

If you are making a referral for an individual in a professional capacity, please complete the following form.

Please provide as much information as possible and ensure that the person you are referring is aware and has consented to the referral.

You must inform us of any known risks to or from the individual and whether the person has any involvement with other agencies e.g. Social Services, Mental Health Services, other counselling providers. This is particularly important if the person is involved in any care proceedings.

Please be mindful if the individual and/or family are open to another therapeutic intervention, then, unfortunately, they can not be referred to an external agency for therapy.

The Headlight Project provides Counselling and Therapeutic support to people bereaved by suicide in the Tees Valley area. A member of our team will be in touch within 7 days from your date of referral.

Please note – The Headlight Project is not a general well-being, grief counselling or crisis service and we are unable to accept any referrals for individuals open to Secondary Care Mental Health services. If you need immediate crisis support, please click here for further help and support.

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Help is at Hand provides both practical information and emotional support for anyone bereaved by suicide.

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